Hughes and Kettner Attax 100 Reviews 5

Hughes and Kettner Attax 100

At new these amps come in right at around $500. They are harder to find than other Hughes and Kettner amps but they can be located if you look hard enough. I would recommend this to anyone who needs a good amp and can't spend the money on a tube amp. They are decent sounding for a solid state operation and will produced a wealth of tones form th... [read more on Audiofanzine]

iamqman rated this unit 4 on 2011-07-21.

Buy it! well i?m not sure, if H&K are still making this model, but i?m sure that the new ones, should be as great as this. I am also looking forward to buy another amp like this to make a stereo sound. [read more on Audiofanzine]

Sérgio Ivo rated this unit 5 on 2001-11-08.

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